Workshop @ Northsec 2019: Reversing WebAssembly Module 101

2019/05/21 @ Northsec 2019

In this workshop, I will first introduce WebAssembly concepts and why it’s consider as a “game changer for the web”. Secondly, I will expose different techniques (Static/Dynamic analysis) and tools (OctopusWasabi, …) to perform a WebAssembly module analysis. Finally, we will hands-on with basic examples (crackmes) and go throws some real-life cryptominer and web-browsers plugins using WebAssembly module.

Along the talk, I will only used open source tools.

  1. Introduction
  2. WebAssembly Basics
  3. WebAssembly Runtime VM
  4. WebAssembly VM internals
  5. Module dissection
  6. Program analysis
  7. Wasabi
  8. Cryptominers
  9. Firefox addons analysis
  10. Conclusion

link / slides (not yet) / repository